Contact Us>
Hours of Operation>
Stouffville Town Hall is open regular business hours, Monday to Friday. Other town facilities may be open other hours. See below for specific facilities.
Town Hall and Planning Customer Service:
Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Telephone & email>
Customer service at Town Hall can be reached during regular business hours by telephone at:
Telephone: (905) 640-1900
Toll free: 1 (855) 642-8696
Fax: (905) 640-7957
After 4:30 p.m Monday to Friday, and on weekends and holidays, your call will be directed to our after-hours service.
Interpretive Services:
The Town offers a free translation service in over 240 languages, connecting you with municipal programs and services. You can request this service in person or over the phone from any town staff representative.
Special Office Hours:
Town facilities do not currently have modified hours.
Report a concern or submit a compliment:
Use our online forms to submit a complaint or compliment.
Submit a by-law related complaint:
Use our online portal to submit a complaints related to cats and dogs, noise, parked cars, parking, and unkempt property.
Direct all waste, recycling and composting inquiries to GFL Environmental Inc.:
Telephone: 1 (866) 421-5625
Email: Collection - Customer Service
The Stouffville Leisure Centre is located at 2 Park Drive South, Stouffville.
(905) 642-7529
The Mayor and Council offices are located at Town Hall. You may reach the Mayor's Office by calling the Customer Service number above, or
(905) 640-1900 ext. 2100
For concerns related to animal control, noise complaints, property standards, dumping, parking and other by-laws.
1-855-642-8696 ext. 2229
For speeding/moving violation please contact York Regional Police (Non-emergencies only).

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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