Rental, programming, and location details for the Town's indoor arenas, Stouffville Clippers Sport Complex and Stouffville Arena.
View the various Community Centres in Stouffville, including the Leisure Centre, Ballantrae, Lemonville, Museum, and Theatre.
Stouffville offers multiple facilities for rental, including arenas, Leisure Centre, Community Centres, 19 on the Park, and Museum.
The Town promotes and recognizes that Community Groups provide recreational, sport, heritage and leisure programs, events and services to Town residents on a volunteer, charitable or not-for-profit basis. The Town encourages active living, social and special interest activities that enhance the well-being, health and quality of life to residents.
The Town of Stouffville's Facility Allocation Policy applies to all facilities in the Community Services Commission, including arenas, ball diamonds, community centres and halls, meeting rooms, swimming pools, and sports fields.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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