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Social Media>
By "liking" our Facebook pages you stay up-to-date on all of the Town's news, events, programs and initiatives.
- Main Stouffville page
- Council page
- Stouffville Play page
featuring events, recreation, theatre, museum, and more! - Fire & Emergency page
- Library page
- Latcham Art Centre page
By "following" our feeds on X you stay up-to-date on all of the Town's news and events, programs, initiatives, and council happenings.
By "following" our Instagram feeds you stay up-to-date on all of the Town's news, programs, initiatives, and other cool happenings around town.
- Main Stouffville feed
- Stouffville Play feed
featuring events, recreation, theatre, museum, and more! - Library feed
By "connecting" with us on our LinkedIn pages, you stay up-to-date on all of the Town's news and job postings.
Our weekly podcast, the Talk of the Town, is your best way to stay up to date on everything that goes on in Stouffville. Released every Tuesday, the podcast is chock-full of news, event happenings, upcoming projects, job announcements and Council updates. Listen on or right here on our website.
Stouffville has three eNewsletters residents can subscribe too. The Talk of Town eNewsletter compliments the podcast of the same name and is distributed every other week. It is full of news, events and other important information you need to know. The Stouffville Council eNewsletter is distributed after a Council meeting and highlights the biggest decisions. Finally, the Leisure Announcements eNewsletter is sent out with urgent recreation and leisure news regarding classes, closures or other time-sensitive matters.
Distributed every two weeks with town news & events.
Distributed after every Council meeting with recent decisions.
Distributed as-needed for unexpected program and facility interruptions.
News Feeds>
Everything you need to know is posted on this website's news feeds. We have six categories of news you can subscribe to, or just come to the site on a regular basis to see what is new. Recreation, entertainment, fire services, the museum and Council -related items are posted on a regular basis. Don't miss a single story!
Stay up-to-date with recreation news, including new fitness & aquatic programs and classes, facility announcements, upcoming events and other family fun activities.
Stay up-to-date with Stouffville's arts & entertainment scene, including show announcements from the theater, updates on special events and much more.
Stay up-to-date with the Fire & Emergency Services, including fire prevention tips, upcoming events at the Fire Hall, and other important notices for the entire family.
Stay up-to-date with the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum & Community Centre, including special exhibits, programs, heritage initiatives, events, rentals and hour changes.
Stay up-to-date with the all of Stouffville's news, events, initiatives, programs and services all in one spot. Press releases and PSAs are posted here.
Stay up-to-date with the latest notices regarding Council meetings, Public meetings, development applications, Public Information Centres and open houses.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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