Who We Are>
The Town of Stouffville Fire and Emergency Services is run by full-time and volunteer staff that provide emergency and educational services to both our urban and rural communities. Due to the geographical size of Stouffville, Central York Fire Services provide emergency services near our western boundary.
Our team is currently made up of:
- A Fire Chief
- A Deputy Fire Chief - Operations
- A Deputy Chief - Support Services
- An Administrative Assistant
- A Fire Prevention Officer
- Three Fire Prevention Inspectors
- A Training Officer
- 41 full-time firefighters
- 60 volunteer firefighters (this number can change)
The types of calls we receive often include:
- Assisting other agencies with an emergency
- Brush and grass fires
- Ice and water rescue
- Medical emergencies
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Structure fires
- Vehicle fires
The Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation recognizes that a fire department is able to shuttle water with tanker trucks to emergency areas that are too far from municipal hydrants. This service can reduce your property insurance rates. Please contact your insurance company to learn more.
Firefighting can be a rewarding opportunity as you help make a positive impact in your community. Learn what it takes to become a volunteer firefighter and find out how to apply.
100 Weldon Road,
Stouffville ON L4A 1N2
Telephone: (905) 640-9595
Station 5-1, located at 100 Weldon Rd., is the Fire and Emergency Services headquarters and Emergency Operation Centre. Fire Department Management, the Fire Prevention Division, the Public Education Division and the Training Division operate out of this station. In addition, full-time firefighters staff this hall 24 hours a day, seven days a week, supported by a dedicated force of volunteer firefighters.
This state-of-the-art station replaced the old Main Street fire station in November 2009. The architecture and design of the station incorporates a strong heritage theme. The station is equipped with a classroom and training tower facility.
15400 Highway 48,
Ballantrae, ON L4A 7X4
Station 5-2, located at 15400 ON-48, is staffed with full-time firefighters 24 hours a day, seven days a week, supported by a dedicated force of volunteer firefighters.
In 1999, this station replaced a temporary fire station located at the intersection of Aurora Road and Ninth Line and acted as the Fire department headquarters until November 2009.
Station 5-2 is equipped with a classroom and a community services room used by Town staff and members of the public. It is also the back up Emergency Operations Centre.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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